Painting Iyanden – Wraithguard / Wraithblades – Part 1: Guides, Basecoating & Yellow

I thought I would start doing posts about how I painted my army if anyone what to achieve these results or wanted to take the technique’s and use them for another paint scheme. I consider myself to be an intermediate painter at best (especially after coming back from this years LVO) and when hobbyist see my army I usually hear a comment of “Oh that yellow must have been a pain(or really hard etc.)”  and actually it was quite easy.  STOP THE PRESSES!! Did he say easy!? That’s right I did. Now my models aren’t going to winner a Golden Daemon or anything but I think they look great on the tabletop and were pretty easy to pull off.  I can easily say the black and blue on these models were way no of a pain in my ass then the yellow as they had two highlight colors and the yellow only had one.  I had to have a lot of patience but if I can pull this off then anyone can; so on with the sharing because that’s what this blog is all about.

But first a little history…images

Originally I hated the Eldar!  When I first got into the hobby back in junior high school the only players that actually played games were Eldar players and I don’t think I even won a single game.  But I always loved their story, the fluff behind the army and the models have always been beautiful both then and now.  Once I discovered the Iyanden Craftworld I knew I was in trouble.  The whole history of the craft world completely intrigued me but I was very intimidated by yellow.  Then I saw the Paint Splatter section of the June 2013 White Dwarf and saw that I could actually pull it off.  That’s when I decided to pull the trigger on the Iyanden project.


A lot of people give Games Workshop (GW) a lot of crap about White Dwarf lately (though I’ll be the first to say that Visions is pretty much crap… I mean a catalog) but one thing I think they are knocking out of the park is the Paint Splatter section.  All of the Wraithguard and Wraithblades in my army have been painted right out of June 2013 ‘s White Dwarf Paint Splatter section.


Another great investment if you are planning on painting an Eldar army is the Citadel Minitures’s  How to Paint: Eldar painting guide and it even has a focus on Iyanden.  If you are starting an Iyanden army and are a beginner/intermediate painter then I would highly suggest picking this up.  It’s worth every penny.



I start the painting process with a white basecoat. I use Privateer Press’s P3 White Basecoat spray as I find the can can go further than the GW white spray not to mention a better white coating (in my opinion) as it comes out in a vertical fan instead of the cone with the GW cans.  I find that I can control it better than the GW spray and save paint.  All that said I find any white spray much harder to work with then black.  Be sure to shake your spray can a lot before use.  I shake for 5 mins.  It’s boring as hell but worth it in the new.  When you are finished turn the can upside down and spray the can until you don’t see paint coming out.  This will keep the internal tube from clogging up.  I won’t go into how to basecoat here as that’s covered in many other places much better than I would go over here.


Sorry didn’t have a good pick of and Wraithguard or Blades just white but you get the idea 😉

The Yellow:

Now the meat and potatoes… the Yellow.  I got this affect by using the GW Seraphim Sepia wash applying it with a wash brush and ensuring that the grooves and recesses of the model got more wash then the surface area.  The 20 wraithguard models I have I did in two 10 man rounds back to back and after painting the Wraithblades I feel that I went too light with the wash but in the end I can live with the Blades being a bit darker (mostly in the grooves and recesses) than the Guard models.  One thing you need to do with this method is you have to apply all the yellow more or less at once and you have to get the right shade of yellow in one application.  If you don’t and add another layer of wash your going to get a much darker yellow then what I have here. I hold the Wraith’s back fin’s (failing on my fluff here) and paint the whole model in wash.  Not sure you would want to try the dipping method with Iyanden as I’m pretty sure they would turn out darker than you would want.


Once the main body of the Wraith is dry I then do the back fins.  I will admit that the first 5 guys I did I with this method ended up going into a bucket of Simple Green to get stripped.  This was mostly due to the fact that I didn’t know how to control the wash yet or how much to get on my brush.  This all came with practice. If you have an old model (preferably a guardian or some other model that is smooth with the Wraith’s) I would suggest trying this out on it first just to learn how the wash reacts to the smooth surface and practicing how to get the grooves and recesses darker than the main body with a nice transition between the two.  You can accomplish this by using you brush (and gravity) to pull the wash away from recesses and lines on the model.


Rereading this I feel like I’m making this sound more difficult than it actually is so don’t let this scare you.  Break the fear of yellow!! And there’s only one way to break that fear and that’s doing it.  So try it out and let me know what you think.


Tune in for Part 2 where I will go over the next steps the blue and black on the models…

Wraithknight Backup

Whats better than one Wraithknight?  TWO!  Post HPC’14 I started working on another Wraithknight because I just love this model… and they aren’t to shabby on the tabletop.  For this Wriathknight I decided to go with the Suncannon/Scatter Shield build with two magnetized scatter lasers as I already have one built in the Wraithcannon build, but I also made an extra Suncannon for the left arm in case I want to run the thing as two Wraithcannon (thanks to magnetizing).  With both of my Wraithknights I’ve magnetized the heads, torso’s and arm’s so that I have more options in the positioning of the model as well as making them much easier to transport and store.  The way that you position the head, torso and arms can really affect the way the models looks. I highly suggest magnetizing this model!  You can get more builds and it really easy to do!


This time around painting the knight went much faster then the first one because i didn’t have to think about how I was going to paint it.  The thing that actually took me the longest was figuring out how to position him.  I thought about it for over a week before I said “Your taking to long to decide this”  and just built him the standard way.  I know lame right?  But the standard way is very different from the way I positioned my first Wraithknight so I’m OK with it.


The base used on this Wraithkight like all the rest of my bases are from Dragonforge Design and includes a recess so that you are able to do some water effects Hope you like!

Wraithseer and Wraithblades Incoming

Back at the end of 2014 after my birthday I made a Forgeworld order.  This was my second Forgeworld order and it was much bigger then the first one. I only picked up two items but they were a Wraithseer and the Eldar Revenant Titan (more to come on the Rev’y later). As I was figuring out how to use him on the battlefield I realized he needed a bodyguard of Wraith units as a blade of wounds to get this guy to do work on the other side of the board.  So I picked up a box of Wraithblades as I think they look great as a unit.

IMG_0229 IMG_0230

I had been saving the Yin-Yan “Lost Empire” base from Dragon Forge Design for the Wraithseer and once both the base and the Wraithseer bits came out of the Simple Green solution I was on my way with the Seer as well.


Both the Seer and the Blades took no time.  I basically painted the Seer in one go.  First time I had ever completed a model (more or less) in one sitting.  The Wraithblades went pretty quickly as well as I have painted 20 Wraithguard’s at this point.  Once I got into a groove with them they took no time, though I don’t have a desire to paint anymore Wraithguard or Wraithblades at this point.  25 Wraith’s is nothing to shake a stick at.


So far in-game play I don’t think I’ve done a single thing with the Blades, but they are working as a good delivery unit for the Seer as I planned.  Running a Spritseer with the Blades or keeping one close can help out a lot as well.


Here’s a link to the Dragonforge “Lost Empire” line of bases:

Send in the Hemlock!!

My work on the first of my Hemlock Wraithfighter’s started back in May of 2014.  When I was starting to work on my Wave Serpents of the IC’s HPC’14 I decided to pick up a Hemlock to practice on for my first vehicle for the Iyanden army.  I used this first Hemlock to work out how I was going to approach the Wave Serpents which I think turned out well.  Once I figured out how I was going to approach the yellow and blue areas of the Hemlock I shelved the project until I finished the HPC’14 list.


Once the HPC’14 was completed I re-focused my attention back to the Hemlock to complete it.  I know that the Hemlock’s are the best unit in the game that the Crimson Hunter is way more competitive but we here at Iyanden’s Wraith don’t subscribe to that kinda nonsense.  We are building a Wraith based army here so screw what’s competitive we build fluffy here and anyways my Farseer tells me these things are going to wreak face in 9th edition!


“The dead must join our ranks, lest we be forced to join theirs.” – Prince Yriel, Autarch of Iyanden


Wandering_Shieck here, welcoming you to my new Blog dedicated to my ongoing hobby progress on my Eldar Iyanden army.  I’ve been inspired to start this blog since the end of the Independent Characters 2014’s “Hobby Progress Challenge” (see link below) and before I go any further I have to thank Carl, Geoff, Adan, Justin, Loppy and all the other guys over at the IC’s for all their hard work over the years and getting me inspired to get back into the hobby after a long stint away. Very sad to hear that the IC’s are closing its doors this April after 5 years of amazing content, but I can understand their reasons and can only imagine how much work goes into their podcast.  I would not have two full painted armies or be as into the hobby (for better or worse) as I am now with out there inspiration, so thanks guys!


Now back to where I started… With the HPC’14 finished and having so much fun with it I decided to start this blog to have an outlet for my ongoing hobby progress and to talk about my games and army lists. So here we are at Iyanden’s Wraith


The next few posts are going to be followed up posts to get up to date from where my HPC’14 blog ended and were I am now.  Since the HPC’14 ended I’ve painted a bunch of additional units, traveled to Las Vegas for the “Las Vegas Open”, starting my first Campaign, & and the big one… an Eldar Revenant Titan!.

So stay tuned for more!
